Our Story


Jordane Baker, Book Binder and Florist

In 2018, my mum came to visit me in Vermont from our home country, Australia. My mum is a world traveler like myself, and she is also a book binder—each of her books their own incredible piece of art.

Something stirred in me during one of her visits. Her excitement about this old craft was intoxicating! As I looked through her hand-bound travel journals, each unique, filled with written memories and little watercolor paintings of her daily travels throughout Italy and the world, I became very curious, and I asked for a book binding lesson.

Fast forward three years later, and I was faced with something unexpected—a pandemic!

COVID-19 had hit the planet, freezing us all in our own worlds, no matter where we were living. As a successful and heavily booked wedding floral designer for over 15 years, I had relied on being just that—strictly flowers for weddings—and I was in trouble…they all cancelled, downsized drastically, or moved to a year in the future with no known plan if they’d ever actually happen. I learned very fast the importance of diversification when owning a small business!

And so, as the world went online during long lockdowns, I got lost in my book binding craft! I signed up with an online bookbinding club and online workshops, I watched YouTube how-to’s, ordered books, and I listened to podcasts on the magical art of binding books. As I honed my skills and began posting my creations on my floral design Instagram page, instantly, my dear friends started ordering my creations—journals, albums, and cookbooks for their Covid recipe shares. Then my wedding floral clients started ordering guest sign books, wedding journals, albums, and now I find myself creating books for complete strangers who stumble across my Instagram page. I’m so excited to offer these elegant and uniquely hand-bound journals for your own ventures!

I work with papers sourced from all over the world and inside use papers for any medium—writing with ink, painting with watercolors, sketching with charcoal—there are endless options. It is my dream to create journals that inspire us to create, encourage us to connect, allow us to let go, to dream, to travel, and most importantly, to love fully.

Having traveled and lived in so many different cultures, from England to Spain, Italy to Japan, America, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and my own beautiful country, Australia, it is my hope to celebrate these richly diverse cultures through their unique designs and techniques of paper making. We have two locations, Warren, VT and The Old North End, Burlington, and can ship anywhere in the world.